Saturday, February 8, 2014

Bo's Back

I know, it's been ages since my mom let me write on my blog. So much has happened though! We got to visit my dad at the hospital in November. The nurses are really nice to us. They step over us when they're checking these long pasta-like things that go to my dad's arm. Caesar fits on the bed but I don't so I sprawl on the floor. My mom says it's much nicer having us there than stuck at home pulling toys out of the box and crossing out legs until she gets home to let us out!  My dad is doing great! He had a TIA or a stroke. I don't know why a stroke would land him in the hospital because when my mom strokes me I'm, like, whoa, don't stop! But I guess my dad is different. Anyway, he was good enough to go to Mexico so I guess he recovered.  The picture above was yesterday. We could still see the garden pots.

This is this morning. You can't even see the bottom of the pots now! But you can see my dad's shop (not yet finished as my mom keeps reminding him!) I guess he promised her it would get finished eventually. He does have a habit of not finishing things...For example he will start to feed us but then he'll forget to give us the treats when we've cleaned up our dishes!Ceasar has to come to him and twirl to remind him. And the little garden shed next to the big has to be moved but not until all the wood stacked beside it gone. Looks like a good winter for that!

My mom and dad were in Mexico for three weeks! They just got back. When they're gone we stay at Kristina's place. It's pretty cool. Lots of room to run around and we get to sleep in the house at night. The neighbors visit and call me "the rug" because my fur is so think. It's still snowing mom says 24+ inches on the ground and coming down at about an inch an hour. They are going to take us to Kristina's tomorrow night because they are going to Florida!!!!  I mean, really. Florida? They think we don't know it but I've seen the suitcases. And my mom  talks about while they're visiting my "sister" Katy there, that my mom will be flying to Mississippi to give a speech at the state hospital honoring employees who spend their lives in service to those who are mentally ill, just like someone named Dorothea Dix who my mom wrote about. She decided it was closer to fly from Florida and back than to come home and fly from Oregon. I don't spend much time thinking about that since WE DON'T GET TO GO TO EITHER PLACE!
      They get to fly around, find warm weather, while we stay with Kristina. Could be worse I know. We could be kenneled in a big cage inside a building with lots of other dogs barking and we aren't. My mom carries my big blue soft bed and Caesar's little soft bed out to the car and then we know for certain: they are leaving us. But they always promise they'll come back and when they do we almost knock them over with joy. We belong to each other and that's how you greet humans who are a part of your pack.
      We hope you are all staying warm wherever you are and maybe I'll get to write more often. Guilt my mom so she lets me.  Oh joy. Woof! Woof!  Bo


  1. Hey, Bo! My mistress wasn't paying attention and missed seeing your post when you first wrote it. But I'll bet you still have some of that snow. It's sure been a l-o-n-g winter in a lot of places. Here on BC's southwest coast spring has finally arrived even though when my folks are watching the television news I see that other parts of Canada are still having major snowstorms. I don't blame your folks for wanting to escape to warmer places.

    I'm sure sorry you didn't get to go with them, but sometimes staying home with friends is more comfortable than dealing with new places, hotel rooms and strangers. Most time if my people go anywhere we all go in the RV so it's like taking home with us and I like that.

    Your mom's sneak preview of 'Sincerely Yours' has my mistress all excited about the book's launch next week. I don't understand how the Space Agency sends books into space. Does it have something to do with why your mom's are universally loved???

    My mistress is writing a lot this month -- she calls it 'March Madness', but she isn't the slightest bit mad, so I'm confused. I get to lay on her feet a lot anyway, and I always like that.

    I hope you get to write again soon. I sure like hearing about your life and your family.

    Barks and biscuits from your friend
    Tynan, the black Lab

    1. Bo, this is Tynan's mistress. I think he would want me to let you know that he had an unexpected trip to the Vet a couple weeks ago, and the discovery of an incurable illness meant he couldn't come home again with us.

      I know he always enjoyed sharing virtual biscuits with you and hearing all about your activities. Although he is gone, I'll continue to look for your blog posts and your mom's. I'll even try to remember to leave the occasional biscuit for you.

      Carol Garvin (Tynan's very sad mistress)

  2. Bo, we were very pleased to see that your mom let you get a few words into her recent newsletter. You and Caesar are good companions and I'm sure she appreciates you, especially during the down time she's had to endure.

    In our household we've very much missed Tynan's company, so during the summer a new black Labrador puppy came home to fill some of the empty corners here. His name is 'Clipper' (a shortened version of 'Tanaco’s Eclipse at Careann'). We've introduced him to your mom's blog, and yours, but so far he's too bouncy and hyper to write any comments of his own. He sure likes his biscuits, though. :)

    Woofies from Clipper (and an extra biscuit from me),
    Carol Garvin
