Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Foliage

     It's fall in Central Oregon and we headed over the mountain for one of my mom's book signings.  On the way back my mom made my dad stop so we could take pictures of the fall colors.  My mom says it may not be Vermont but it's all we've got and she thinks it's pretty cool.  Here's Caesar taking in the view. He had two baths yesterday:  one because he'd visited a sheep barn and rolled in the old sheep doo-doo and the second when he found raccoon poo and rolled in it.  I couldn't find either one of them!  Dang!
    We'd spent the night at Simon's house in Salem, that's Caesar's brother. They have a birthday next week.  I wonder if my mom will have a party.  Caesar will be three!  He has so much yet to learn!

     Then there's PB who has taken an interest in Yoga maybe because he doesn't get to travel with us.  I think he calls this one "Downward Dog" or something like that.  My mom noted there are 13 yoga studios in Central Oregon and maybe she should look into that as a relaxing form of exercise especially since her episode in the hospital with ulcers.  I have no idea what ulcers are but we were home alone with dad for four whole days while she was tending to them. When my dad took us into the hospital to visit her, we couldn't find them anywhere so I'm not sure how they held her hostage there, but they did.
      I hope your fall is going well and full of lots of foliage. Maybe you could send us pictures my mom could put up on Facebook...or maybe here if she can figure out how to do it.  Meanwhile, Don't let your downward dog get you down and don't let ulcers hold you hostage.  Enjoy the fall foliage instead.  Woolf!  Woolf!  Bo


  1. Bo! Great post! Lick your mom and dad for me! It's been a tough go there with health issues so I hope this fall brings great things! Yoga's a good idea!

  2. Hi Bo, PB and especially Caesar, I too love raccoon whiz, have to search for sheep poo though. My mom and dad won't let me out of my back yard, so I just roll in what I have. Hope we get to meet some day.

    Your cousin, Pepper the Pup (Boat)

  3. Roll in what you can! That sounds like a good country western song lyric...maybe we should collaborate, Pepper! Bo

  4. I'll bet your folks are happy that you haven't found the same 'goodies' to roll in, Bo. At least Caesar is smaller and presumably easier to bath! Sure hope those ulcers and all the other nasties are a thing of the past now.

    The fall colours are getting pretty nice here, too, and my mistress has her camera out all the time. Here's a link to a photo she took of me if your mom wants to use it: .

    Woofies to you, Caesar and PB,
    Tynan, the Black Lab
